On February 6th, 2007 Apple CEO Steve Jobs published his "Thoughts on Music" letter. iTunes was by then the major player in online distribution, and the iPod had become the widely recognized face of portable music. DRM was controversial and pretty much universally disdained, and Jobs took the opportunity to write a letter pinpointing what he thought were the three options moving forward in the digital music distribution model. Essentially, he felt Apple (and the rest of the music loving world) had three choices: stay the course (DRM intact), move to the company's FairPlay licensing model, or envision a future which was DRM-free. Jobs made no bones about it: he and Apple hoped to "embrace" the end of DRM (under pressure from the EU, of course). Arguing that DRM hadn't stopped piracy, he conveniently called for the major labels to license their music to Apple DRM-free. On January 9th of 2009, Apple did announce that some of the music in its iTunes store would be purchasable DRM-free, though it still makes use of FairPlay for apps and video. Jobs will have to continue fighting the good fight, we suppose.
Also on this date:
February 6th, 2009: The Kindle 2 seemed like it might be leaking (it was), Roku moved into private beta with Amazon Video on Demand, and Microsoft denied it was making a phone.
February 6th, 2008: Ford announced it would offer its F-150 with an in-dash computer (amongst other things), a bunch of undersea cables were reportedly cut leaving much of the world with no internet and no Engadget, and the Xbox 360 HD DVD player hit an all-time low price of $130.
February 6th, 2007: Apple asked the FCC to keep its iPhone secrets confidential until the 15th of June, Hasbro recalled nearly a million Easy Bake Ovens to the dismay of little girls everywhere, and Sony Ericsson officially outed its W880 (Ai) Walkman musicphone.
February 6th, 2006: The PSP was www.engadget.com/2006/02/06/psp-officially-getting-email-and-gps/officially rumored to be getting both email and GPS, LG outed its F3000 cellphone which went 'vroom vroom' whenever you got a text, and Mobile ESPN went live.
February 6th, 2005: The world was a flutter with the news of how to unlock a GSM Treo 650, while signing up for a year of Napster to Go brought with it a free iRiver H10.
February 6th, 2004: Hey, Engadget didn't exist yet!